About ICET


The vision of ICET is that all learners will have access to a high quality education in which educators are appropriately qualified and recognized as motivated and committed professionals and practitioners.


The mission of ICET is to improve the educational experiences and outcomes of learners in all parts of the world by providing opportunities for those involved in their education to share knowledge, practice, resources, and expertise and establish active partnerships that are designed to enhance the quality of teaching and learning and improve life opportunities for young people.


The International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) is an international association of policy and decision-makers in education, government and business dedicated to global development through education. ICET provides programs and services that give its members access to a worldwide resource base of organizations, programs, specialized consultative services and research and training opportunities at the university level. It is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and participates in NGO meetings and other UNESCO-sponsored conferences around the world. ICET is a NGO in consultative status (Roster) with the Economic and Social Council.

Founded in 1953, ICET was part of a major cooperative effort by the world's education community to provide quality education for its citizens. Since then, ICET has continued to emphasize international cooperation in educational development to improve the quality of teacher education and to expand global educational opportunities. Scholars, administrator, practitioners from universities, colleges, departments and institutes of education as well as members of government ministries, the teaching profession and business leaders interested in educational development are invited to participate in ICET and share their ideas, research and experience with professionals from around the world.

"The International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) is an association of organizations, institutions and individuals concerned with the preparation of teachers. ICET’s purpose is to define and explore ideas and principles underlying the education of those preparing to teach; to examine the problems of continued education of teachers in service; to promote opportunities for consultation and collaboration between organizations and persons engaged in such teacher education." ( see Articles of Incorporation, 2003) 

    ICET's Global Mission and Goals